

Hi! It has been a long time between issues. I wish that I could say something more than that I have been swamped with my regular job as well as the work of Tri-Ess Sorority, But that has been the reason for the delay.

However, I believe that I have found the answer to the roadblock. I do believe that my "answer", pictured below, can save me from the nut house due to all the pressures of getting out Transvestia as well as the many other duties of Tri-Ess Sorority and my regular job.

Girls, meet Rhonda!! She's certainly a pretty girl, isn't she? Well, I found her in an attor- ney's office and we have become friends. I realized that I needed some help with the typesetting of Transvestia and so I talked to Rhonda concerning spending 25 hours a month in my Cheva- lier office in Tulare. She was all for it and I can truthfully say that she did most of the typesetting for this issue. Most mistakes will be those that I made. She's a good typist. And fast! And pretty. Don't you envy me, girls.

Rhonda's single!! She's in her early twenties and I do believe that I have educated her enough about crossdress- ing that she is now very under- standing about it. I have dis- cussed the possibility of her being available for letter writ- ing and she said "OK." So, you girls in your twenties, and maybe early thirties, who are single, and who are inter- ested in writing to Rhonda can go ahead and write. Address

Carol Beecroft

your letters to Rhonda, c/o Carol Beecroft.

One thing, I don't want to hear of any writers getting fresh or writing off color let- ters. Keep it clean or you will hear from me since I have sort of acted as Daddy (or should I say Mommy) to Rhonda and am very protective about her. Have fun and do right with your letters. OK?

I hope that you readers like this issue of Transvestia. The long story, Ian's Great Aunt, Millie, is VERY good and comes to us from JOY in Scot- land. It has a most unusual ending. I do want to remind everyone that I am always interested in manuscripts of calibre and encourage all who have a talent for writing to try something for this publi- cation. Happy reading!